Joe Manganiello

Joseph Michael "Joe" Manganiello is an incredibly sexy man, he currently stars on the HBO hit TV series True Blood as Alcide Herveaux a Werewolf. Joe was also in Magic Mike as Big Dick Richie this year... I really think this Ruggedly Handsome man is a fabulous actor... not to mention the man is 6'5" tall, 36 years old and Oh the muscles this man has.... Such a perfect body... I hope you'll enjoy my little corner of the web dedicated to Joe Manganiello.... Enjoy!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Joe Manganiello and his mom Susan

May 18, 2012

Joe Manganiello and his mom Susan at the Vault Magazine launch party
in Miami. Mandy

Joe Manganiello on Sex and Dating

May 20, 2012

Joe Manganiello on sex & dating... Ladies be prepared to swoon:

"As a guy, a lot of your job is defining what the relationship is before anything physical happens. You have to talk about expectations and where this is going, and let the other person know what you want. Being a man is a lost art- most men don't have a clue. It's being responsible for a woman's feelings, getting outside your immediate animal needs and caring about where the other person is coming from."


MAGIC MIKE CONFESSION from Joe Manganiello

May 31, 2012

MAGIC MIKE CONFESSION from Joe Manganiello:

"We were … manhandling groups of 200 female extras every day."

Read more at:


Joe Manganiello on the cover of the July/August Maniac magazine

June 21, 2012

Joe Manganiello on the cover of the July/August Maniac magazine!


Joe Manganiello's New York Post Article

August 28


"Sometimes all I’m being asked to do is rip my shirt off and growl. Honestly, it’s been tricky because this past year, I’ve been shooting one or two scenes an episode, which means I’m acting two or three days a month. It’s easy to not feel like an actor. I have to get my creativity out somehow."

Click here to read more:


True Blood Ending After Season 7... 4 Reasons It's a Good Thing

Liked · September 5

True Blood Ending After Season 7... 4 Reasons It's a Good Thing:

The news that True Blood will officially be closing its doors after Season 7 initially hit us like a bag of bricks. But after thinking about it, we've decided this news is actually good… or, at the very least, it's not entirely bad. Hey, we need to comfort ourselves somehow, right?

Here are four reasons that True Blood ending after Season 7 could actually be a good thing for the show:

1. The writers have time to prepare. More than anything, we're glad this decision was made before the writers had really gotten to work on the season. Yes, we would have prefered this call be made before Season 8 or 9 (or 20...) instead of 7, but at least the writers have advance notice. This way, they can craft the season knowing it will be the last, which will hopefully allow them to conclude the story in a way that's satisfying.

2. We don't risk losing actors. One of the risks with long running shows is that actors get antsy to move on to other things. So far, all of the key actors have stayed loyal to the show, and they all appear to be signed on for the final season. Plus, the end of True Blood means getting to enjoy our fave actors in even more new projects, which will be fun in its own way.

3. It's been set up to end well. Whether or not you liked the crazy time jump at the end of the Season 6 finale, there's no denying that it did a great job bringing all of the main characters — besides Eric and Pam, of course — back to Bon Temps and giving them a clear enemy to battle. This setup was intended to bring the show back to its roots, and we can't think of a better way to end the series than with everyone in Bon Temps, learning to live and work together despite their many differences.

4. It will (hopefully) go out with a bang. While there are some shows that have lasted more than seven seasons and continued to be creatively successful, it's rare. True Blood has already had some weak seasons, and if it lasted for years and years to come, history tells us that the quality would probably go downhill. Hopefully, with the good setup and the knowledge that this is the show's last hoorah, the writers can whip up a final season that's truly fangtastic.

